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Wild Edible Plant

Malva Sylvestris


Family: Malvaceae
English Common Name: Mallow
Arabic Name: خبيزة

Flowering Dates

Jan Feb Mar Aprl May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec


  • Hedgerows, woodlands, sunny edges, dappled shade
  • Requires moist soils.
  • Waste places and road sides, of lowland, hilly areas or even desert, depending the species.


Cooking Tips

Edible Parts: Leaves and stalks
Modes of Consumption: Leaves are eaten raw in salads, cooked in soups and boiled as an infusion. The seeds and flowers are edible as well, Fresh leaves and young shoots are used in cooking.

Mallow and Chickpeas
Mallow Sauté
Mallow with Burghol
Stuffed Mallow
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