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Wild Edible Plant

Amaranthus Retroflexus


Family: Amaranthaceae
English Common Name: Pigweed, redroot amaranth, redroot pigweed
Arabic Name: قطيفة


  • Grows in gardens amongst cultivated plants or as a weed in greenhouses.
  • Cannot grow in the shade, and requires a well-drained but moist soil.
  • Worldwide spread.

Indigenous Knowledge

  • Fortifies the blood
  • Treatment of constipation
  • Beneficial for health and the whole body
  • High in vitamins
  • Increases Hb in blood
  • Treats inflammation
  • Treats stomach aches 

Cooking Tips

Edible Parts: Leaves and seeds
Modes of Consumption: Young leaves are eaten raw or cooked; they can be dried and consumed like mouloukhieh; the seeds can be eaten raw or cooked; they can also be sprouted and added to salads. The seeds are very small but easy to harvest and very nutritious.

Pigweed with Onion
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