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Wild Edible Plant

Daucus Carota


Family: Apiaceae
English Common Name: Wild carrot, Queen Anne's lace
Arabic Name: جزرية


  • Cultivated and waste land, amongst grass, especially by the sea and on chalk
  • Cannot grow in the shade and requires moist soil
  • Worldwide spread.



The common purslane, scientifically known as Daucus carota, is a low-crawling plant that produces tender stems and juicy leaves, regularly seen in salads and other food. Purslane is found in spots with cultivated grounds, or perhaps in areas by the sea. It is localized in the south of Europe, as well as throughout the east Mediterranean region and Asia.

The Daucus carotaacts as a diuretic which soothes the digestive tract, and stimulates the uterus. A wonderfully cleansing medicine, it supports the liver, stimulates the flow of urine, and the removal of waste by the kidneys. An infusion of the whole plant is used in the treatment of various complaints including digestive disorders, kidney and bladder diseases and in the treatment of edema (a condition characterized by an excess of watery fluid collecting in the cavities or tissues of the body). A combination of the leaves has been used to counter cystitis and kidney stone formation, as well as to diminish stones that have already formed. Additionally, a warm water mixture of the flowers has been used in the treatment of diabetes. The grated raw root, especially of the cultivated forms, is used as a remedy for threadworms. The root is also used to encourage delayed menstruation but is also used to treat anemia and jaundice. The roots and the seeds of the wild carrot plant can induce uterine contractions and so should not be used by pregnant women. The seed is a traditional 'morning after' contraceptive and there is some evidence to uphold this belief, however it does require further investigation.

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