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Wild Edible Plant

Cichorium Intybus


Family: Asteraceae
English Common Name: Dwarf Chicory
Arabic Name: هندبة برية

Flowering Dates

Jan Feb Mar Aprl May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec


  • Grassy meadows and arable land, especially on chalk and usually between olive trees
  • Cannot grow in the shade and requires moist soil
  • Worldwide spread.



Cichorium intybus, or dwarf chicory, is a somewhat woody, perennial herbaceous plant usually with bright blue petals. Many are cultivated for salad leaves, or roots, which are often baked and ground. It is seen on roadsides, mostly in Europe, North America, and Australia.

Heat- treated juices of the plant exhibit antioxidative properties, by considerably protecting against lipid oxidation. The anti-oxidative action of chicory was due to antiradical, anti-peroxidative and iron-chelating qualities. In addition to anti-oxidative properties, further research reported anti-gout effects. Chicory extracts inhibited xanthine oxidase, an enzyme that catalyses pathways leading to hyperuricemia (level of acid in the blood that is unusually high).

Cooking Tips

Edible Parts: All parts (leaves, flowers, roots)
Modes of Consumption: Raw green or yogurt salad or cooked (sautéed); roots are usually roasted and used as a coffee substitute; roots can also be boiled and used as an ingredient to soups.

Chicory with Kichik and Onion
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